Friday, April 15, 2011


The passage
Through existence

Is coexistence!

It’s a narrow passage
An alley
Turned valley!

It meanders
Among the blunders
Of the global Will!

It’s not evil
Just the devil
On a sponsored anvil!

It wasn’t the UN Plaza
But Gaza
Where you were strung!

No detours
As Palestine endures

The message
In every passage
Just lost its adage!

Humanism as well!

Nothing is swell
In this part of hell!


Good friend
To every fiend!


- Dom Martin

A note on Vittorio Arrigoni, his kidnapping and execution: Vittorio Arrigoni, 36, Italian, was an International Solidarity Movement (ISM) volunteer in Gaza. He arrived in Palestine in the summer of 2008 on the first boat of activists that sailed there to protest a blockade imposed by Israel with Egyptian help. He was well known in Gaza and was a passionate defender of the rights of people in Gaza, and a fierce critic of Israel.

Huwaida Arraf, a co-founder of the ISM, said Mr. Arrigoni had a "dynamic, humanitarian personality".

A respected journalist, Mr.Arrigoni tried his best to shed a light on Gaza. As one of his friends commented: "He came from across the world, left his country and family and his entire life and came here to break the siege."

He was seized on April 14 by radicals belonging to Al-Qaeda inspired Salafist group, an Islamist movement that considers Hamas as too moderate. They threatened to execute Mr Arrigoni unless several prisoners, including their leader, Sheikh Abu Walid al-Maqdasi, were released.

Hamas police found Vittorio dead in a house hours after being abducted. He had been hanged. Ministry spokesman Ehab al-Ghussein said he was killed "in an awful way". He told reporters that the security forces had been led to the house in Gaza City by one of the men involved.

He described the killing as a "heinous crime which has nothing to do with our values, our religion, our customs and traditions", and vowed to hunt down and bring to justice others who were involved.

Two members of the al-Qaeda inspired Salafist group have been arrested.

-- Gulamhusein Abba

About the Poet:

Dom Martin is a prophetic artist, a visionary poet and writer. NAKBLINKA: The Cleansing of CoExistence, is his most current volume of poetry.


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